Global variable access in shading contexts

Each shading context is responsible for setting or modifying different variables. For example, the displacement context can modify the position of the surface being rendered, while the light context is responsible for setting the color of the light source. The Read/Write access of the global variables for each context is summarized in this table.

Variable Type Description Displacement Surface Light Shadow Fog
Cf vector

The final color for the surface. The vector represents the RGB color for the surface.

- W - - R/W
Of vector

The final opacity for the surface. A value of {1,1,0} will be opaque in red/green, but let through blue light from behind. See opacity vs. alpha.

- W - - R/W
Af float

The final alpha for the surface. This is the value which is placed in the alpha channel of the output image. See opacity vs. alpha.

- W - - R/W
P vector

The position of the point on the surface being shaded. In light or shadow shaders, the P variable contains the point on the light source.

Although P is modifiable in the surface context, changing P will not affect rendering of the surface, only shading.

R/W R/W* R R R
Pz float

The Z component of the point being shaded.

R R - - R
Ps vector

In light & shadow shaders, this is the position of the point on the surface being illuminated.

- - R R -
I vector - R R R R
Eye vector

The position of the eye.

- R R R R
s, t float

The parametric S and T (sometimes called U and V) coordinates on the surface being shaded.

dPds, dPdt vector

The delta between the current position (P) and the position of the neighboring micropolygon vertex along S and T. You can use these vectors to get the approximate length of micropolygon edges.

N vector

The shading normal for the surface.

vector R/W R/W R R R
Ng vector

The geometric normal for the surface. This normal represents the “true” normal of the surface being shaded. For example, with Phong shading, the N variable represents the interpolated normal, while the Ng variable represents the true polygon normal

Cl vector

Light color.

- R/W W R/W R/W
L vector

The vector from the point on the surface to the light source. The length of this vector represents the distance to the light source. See how the L variable is initialized.

- R R/W R R
Lz vector

The Z-axis in the space of the light. This is a unit vector.

- - R R -

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Posted by scii