'RenderMan Shader Compiles'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2013.01.08 RenderMan Shader Compiles

RenderMan Shader Compiles

The simplest way to get RenderMan shaders compiled and into Houdini is to do this:

% shader myshader.sl% 

rmands -l myshader.otl myshader.slo

This will create a digital asset with the compiled shader in it. Then you install thatthrough the file menu (File->Install Operator Type Library), and you're done - it willbe on the shader menu, with all of the UI elements already set up.

Even better, you can do this:

% rmands -l rmanshaders.otl *.slo

and this will put all your shaders into one asset. Then you can put this someplace like


and set up Houdini with an environment variable, thus

HOUDINI_OTL_PATH = $SHOW/houdini/otls

Then whenever anyone runs Houdini, it will automatically load up all the shaders(and even better, the dialogs and other stuff).10

Posted by scii